A Guide to Supporting Your Immune System at Every Step 

A Guide to Supporting Your Immune System at Every Step 

In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that the death toll per year is 3,464,231. This was attributed to heart disease, cancer, COVID-19, stroke, diabetes, liver disease, and other diseases. 

With the rise in mortality rates, it is of keen importance that individuals ensure that they are living a healthy life. A healthy life is not necessarily the absence of a disease or illness, rather it is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

Organic, Cage-Free, Free-Range or Pastured… Sorting Through the Confusion on Egg Labels

Organic, Cage-Free, Free-Range or Pastured… Sorting Through the Confusion on Egg Labels

Proteins are nutrients that are essential to the building, maintenance and repair of your body tissues such as your skin, internal organs and muscles. They are also the major components of your immune system and hormones. Proteins are found in all types of food, but only foods from animal sources, such as meat and eggs…

Navigating the World of Organic Foods: Understanding Labels and Benefits

Navigating the World of Organic Foods: Understanding Labels and Benefits

The switch to organic food comes with promises of improved health, enriched nutrition, and an approach to eating that lines up with your concerns for the environment we live in. The one issue is that understanding what potentially cryptic organic labels mean is necessary in order to know exactly how these benefits are balanced in a given product.

Rather than struggling along in this endeavor solo, stick with us as we work through the primary pieces of info you need to look out for the next time you’re buying organic items.

Pros and Cons of Working Out Every Day for Weight Loss and Overall Health

Pros and Cons of Working Out Every Day for Weight Loss and Overall Health

When it comes to embarking on a journey toward weight loss and overall health, it’s no secret that consistently working out is important to seeing progress. As a dietitian and personal trainer, I want to break down if you should work out everyday and examine both the advantages and potential downsides.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll go through whether or not it’s safe to work out everyday and the pros and cons of working out everyday.

Can You Take Probiotics During Pregnancy?

Can You Take Probiotics During Pregnancy?

You can take probiotics during pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, both the National Medicine Library NLM) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) consider probiotics safe in pregnancy. 

Probiotics work the same way in pregnancy as they do in general—they bring balance to the gut flora. They keep bad bacteria in check and shield the body from their harmful effects.

Obesity in Сollege Students: Causes, Statistics, and Facts

Obesity in Сollege Students: Causes, Statistics, and Facts

Obesity statistics in college students show that the rate is ranging from 22% to 35%. It develops due to factors such as stress, irregular habits of eating and reduced physical activities. College female students often exhibit higher obesity rates. This impacts mental health and potentially affects their academic performance. Different factors of the environment on campuses like accessibility of food and facilities that are available always shape the student’s health behaviors. Long-term implications encompass chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Addressing this issue demands an understanding approach integrating education, access to healthier choices, mental health support, and initiatives promoting physical activity.